"We can do no great things, only small things with great love"
~ Mother Teresa
Karma Tiffin is an experiment in cultivating communities rooted in kindness and kinship.
We live in a world where our rapid pace of life can sometimes leave us feeling disconnected from our neighbors, colleagues, friends, and even family members. We believe that cultivating kindness, caring relationships and service to others, can lead to greater connection and stronger communities. And we believe that stronger communities can withstand the challenges currently faced by our world.
Since food is an age old means of expressing kinship and love, we would like to share food and give you the opportunity to share food with others, to express your love for them. Food also has the power to bring people together and to heal. We hope that this small act of kindness can create ripples of greater harmony and interconnectedness.
With Karma Tiffin, we offer a gift economy lunch service. We deliver organic, vegetarian, homemade meals in tiffins (stackable steel lunch containers that are extremely popular in India). Fresh, local and unprocessed ingredients are used as much as possible. Meals are served as a gift, and recipients are encouraged to pay the gift forward by doing an act of kindness for someone else.
We invite you to be a part of this experiment. You can send a Karma Tiffin to someone you know. If you are local, you can also join us in preparing and/or delivering a Karma Tiffin to a recipient.